Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault
Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault

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All the Monsters You Need for a Valiant Adventure!

The Monster Vault contains over 400 monsters for the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game and all the guidance you need as a Game Master to run encounters with those monsters! 

In this book, you’ll find:

  • Classic fantasy monsters, such as ogres, dragons, water elementals, and giants.
  • New monsters suitable for any fantasy or science fantasy world, such as ambush hags, virtuoso liches, fey guardians, mechadrons, and robots.
  • New terrors from the ever-corrupting Void, such as voidlings, star crows, crimson jellies, and the mighty void dragon.

The Monster Vault also contains all the information a Game Master needs to create encounters with monsters, including monster roles and tactics, and it includes optional rules for Game Master Doom points and for characters wanting to harvest monsters for unique crafting and spell components.

Purchasing this digital title unlocks the content in the digital reader on 5e NEXUS, as well as in additional tools as they become available during Early Access.

Table Of Contents


  • What Are Monsters?
  • Using This Book
  • What’s in the Book?

Chapter 1: Using Monsters

  • Building Monster-Centric Encounters
  • Understanding Challenge Rating
  • Building Combat Encounters
  • Determining Encounter Difficulty
  • Combat Encounter Models
  • Monster Roles and Tactics
  • Customizing Combat
  • Optional Rule: Doom
  • Modifying Monsters

Chapter 2: Understanding Monster Statistics

Elements of a Stat Block

  • Name
  • Challenge Rating (CR)
  • Size
  • Type
  • Armor Class (AC)
  • Hit Points (HP)
  • Speed
  • Perception
  • Stealth
  • Vulnerable, Resistant, and Immune
  • Senses
  • Languages
  • Ability Modifiers
  • Traits
  • Actions
  • Bonus Actions
  • Reactions
  • Limited Usage
  • Equipment

Legendary Creatures

  • Legendary Actions
  • Lairs

Understanding Terrain & Creature Types


  • Arctic
  • Badlands
  • Coastal
  • Desert
  • Farmland
  • Forest
  • Grassland
  • Hills
  • Mountain
  • Planar
  • Swamp
  • Underground
  • Underwater
  • Urban

Creature Types

  • Aberrations
  • Beasts
  • Celestials
  • Constructs
  • Dragons
  • Elementals
  • Fey
  • Fiends
  • Giants
  • Humanoids
  • Monstrosities
  • Oozes
  • Plants
  • Undead

Monsters A-C

  • Aboleth
  • Angel, Deva
  • Angel, Planetar
  • Angel, Solar
  • Animated Objects
  • Ankheg
  • Astral Destroyer
  • Azer
  • Balara
  • Basilisk
  • Behir
  • Black Pudding
  • Blink Dog
  • Bulette
  • Centaur
  • Chimera
  • Chol
  • Chuul
  • Cloaker
  • Cockatrice
  • Couatl
  • Crimson Jelly

Monsters Da-Do

  • Darkmantle
  • Death Dog
  • Death Knight
  • Deathless
  • Demon, Balor
  • Demon, Dretch
  • Demon, Glabrezu
  • Demon, Golmana
  • Demon, Hezrou
  • Demon, Husk
  • Demon, Marilith
  • Demon, Mire Fiend
  • Demon, Nalfeshnee
  • Demon, Quasit
  • Demon, Unska
  • Demon, Vrock
  • Demon, Wrack
  • Derro
  • Devil, Barbed
  • Devil, Bearded
  • Devil, Bone
  • Devil, Chain
  • Devil, Erinyes
  • Devil, Horned
  • Devil, Ice
  • Devil, Imp
  • Devil, Lemure
  • Devil, Pit Fiend
  • Dinosaurs
  • Doppelganger

Monsters Dr-Dw

  • Dragon Turtle
  • Dragon, Black
  • Dragon, Blue
  • Dragon, Brass
  • Dragon, Bronze
  • Dragon, Copper
  • Dragon, Gold
  • Dragon, Green
  • Dragon, Red
  • Dragon, Silver
  • Dragon, Void
  • Dragon, White
  • Dragon, Yellow
  • Dragonette, Pseudodragon
  • Drake, Scorch
  • Drider
  • Dryad
  • Dwarf, Duergar

Monsters E-G

  • Elemental, Air
  • Elemental, Earth
  • Elemental, Fire
  • Elemental, Water
  • Elf, Drow
  • Ettercap
  • Ettin
  • Feral Hunter
  • Fey Guardian
  • Flinderbeast
  • Fungi
  • Gargoyle
  • Gelatinous Cube
  • Genie, Djinni
  • Genie, Efreeti
  • Genie, Hinn
  • Genie, Sila
  • Ghost
  • Ghoul
  • Giant, Cloud
  • Giant, Dirgesinger
  • Giant, Fire
  • Giant, Frost
  • Giant, Hill
  • Giant, Stone
  • Giant, Storm
  • Gibbering Mouther
  • Gnoll
  • Gnome, Deep
  • Goblins
  • Golem, Clay
  • Golem, Flesh
  • Golem, Iron
  • Golem, Stone
  • Gorgon
  • Gray Ooze
  • Grick
  • Griffon
  • Grimlock

Monsters H-K

  • Hag, Ambush
  • Hag, Green
  • Hag, Night
  • Hag, Sea
  • Harpy
  • Hell Hound
  • Hippocampus
  • Hippogriff
  • Hivebound
  • Homunculus
  • Hydra
  • Infernal Champion
  • Insatiable Brood
  • Invisible Stalker
  • Kobolds
  • Kraken

Monsters L-N

  • Lamia
  • Lantern Hagfish
  • Lich
  • Lich, Virtuoso
  • Living Colossus
  • Lizardfolk
  • Lycanthropes
  • Magmin
  • Manticore
  • Mechadrons
  • Medusa
  • Mephits
  • Merfolk
  • Mimic
  • Minotaur
  • Moon Knight
  • Mordovermis
  • Mummy
  • Mycolids
  • Nagas
  • Nightmare
  • Nimbostratus Spirit

Monsters O-R

  • Ochre Jelly
  • Ogre
  • Oni
  • Orc
  • Otyugh
  • Owlbear
  • Pegasus
  • Phase Spider
  • Purple Worm
  • Rakshasa
  • Remorhaz
  • Robots
  • Roc
  • Roper
  • Rust Monster

Monsters S-T

  • Sahuagins
  • Salamander
  • Satarre
  • Satyr
  • Selangs
  • Selkie
  • Shadow
  • Shambling Mound
  • Shield Guardian
  • Skeletons
  • Specter
  • Sphinxes
  • Sporeborn
  • Sprite
  • Star Crow
  • Stirge
  • Succubus
  • Tarrasque
  • Treant
  • Troll

Monsters U-Z

  • Unicorn
  • Vampires
  • Voidling
  • Wickerbeast
  • Wight
  • Will-o’-Wisp
  • Winter Wolf
  • Wood Herald
  • Worg
  • Wraith
  • Wyrdling
  • Wyvern
  • Xorn
  • Zombies


  • Appendix: Animals
  • Appendix: NPCs
  • Appendix: Creatures by Challenge
  • Appendix: Creatures by Tag
  • Appendix: Creatures by Terrain
