

If you are to survive the horrors of space, you’ll need a good leader—or you must become one yourself. You can use your COMMAND skill in two ways:

Stop Panic: When another character makes a Panic Roll and loses control, you can make a COMMAND roll to return them to their senses..

Give Orders: In combat, as a slow action you can bark orders to another character. They must be able to hear you, even if via a comm radio. Roll COMMAND. For every you roll, they get a +1 modification to their roll when carrying out the order you gave.

Officers: PCs with the Officer career and the

talent can use COMMAND to order other characters (PCs and NPCs) to do as they say.


When you use

on someone, you don’t take control of their mind. What you are trying to convince your adversary to do must be somewhat reasonable, otherwise the GM can disallow it.