

When the heat is on and you are trying to dodge the jaws of death, you need to keep a cool head and move quickly and silently. Roll for MOBILITY when you want to get out of a hazardous situation—be it a risky climb, a dangerous jump, or sneaking past a lurking enemy. When mobility is used for stealth, make an opposed roll against your opponent's observation. This skill also has specific uses in stealth mode and combat, see Chapter 5.

Failure: Despite your best efforts, you fail and must suffer the consequences.

Success: You survive the sticky situation.

Stunts: For every extra you roll, choose one stunt applicable to the situation:

  • Give one to another PC in the same situation as you.
  • Gain a +1 modification to a later skill roll relating to this one.
  • You impress someone.


When you and other characters in a group sneak side by side, don’t make individual mobility rolls to stay undetected. Instead, only the PC with the lowest skill level rolls, and the result applies to the whole group.