Lines Drawn in Blood
Lines Drawn in Blood

What lines are you willing to cross when you push back against the evil that walks among us? Lines Drawn in Blood presents a series of four stories that can be played individually or linked together to tell an entire chronicle. 

  • Pressure Test: Ghostly incursions are far more than the weight of individual sorrow.
  • Outsiders: The residents of a small town break an ancient pact and pay the price.
  • Blur the Lines: Occult symbols at a murder scene drag Hunters into a race against time.
  • Alone in the Dark: Far from city lights, a nest of monsters pull the strings of a lonely northern town.

This title unlocks the contents of this source in the Digital Reader and Game Compendium on Hunter: The Reckoning NEXUS, as well as in additional features as they enter Early Access.

Table Of Contents
Table of Contents


  • Thin Red Lines
  • How to Use This Book
  • Genre
  • Motifs

Chapter One: Pressure Test

  • The Hunt
  • Genre
  • The Quarry
  • Complicating Factors
  • Story Structure
  • Red Flags
Part One: Are You Coming Out to Play?
  • Living Spaces
  • Locations in Town
  • Nighthawks
  • Ghosts of Summer
  • Next Steps
Part Two: Strangers in Town
  • Investigating the Ghosts
  • The Men in Black
  • Alice
  • New Conflicts
  • Shady Maple
  • Mrs. Henderson’s Savings
  • The Construction Site
  • Warning
  • Arrested
  • Unit 13
  • The Secret Area
  • Next Steps
Part Three: Summertime
  • Weather Report
  • Energy Rise
  • The Summerfolk
  • Entering the Storm
  • Riders on the Storm
  • The Device
  • The Eye of the Storm
  • Destroying the Memory
  • Remembering Summer
  • Loose Ends
  • On the Road Again
  • Allies & Antagonists

Chapter Two: Outsiders

  • The Hunt
  • Genre
  • The Quarry
  • Complicating Factors
  • Story Structure
  • Red Flags
  • Danger
  • The Job Description
Part One: Small Town, USA
  • Under the Juniper Tree
  • Home Is Where the Hunt Is
  • Chewing the Fat
  • Next Steps
Part Two: Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
  • When You Say Nothing at All
  • Taking It to the Streets
  • The Stop-And-Rob
  • Teenage Wasteland
  • In Sickness and In Health (Outlet)
  • Welcome to the Neighborhood
  • No Rest for the Wicked
  • Between the Rows
  • Babes In the Wood
  • In the Pines
  • Hit the Books
  • Employee Reviews
  • Next Steps
Part Three: The Unquiet Grave
  • Where the Wild Roses Grow
  • Ghosts of the Ozarks
  • Loose Ends
  • On the Road Again
  • Allies & Antagonists
  • The Fae
  • Neto Solutions
  • Aurum Industries
  • Mister Gannet

Chapter Three: Blur the Lines

  • The Hunt
  • Genre
  • Story Structure
  • The Quarry
  • Complicating Factors
  • Red Flags
Part One: A Disturbing Pattern
  • Tense Entrance
  • The Scene of the Crime
  • The Survivor
  • The Cops
  • The Fanboy
  • Next Steps
Part Two: Pilgrim’s Progress
  • Harder than It Looks
  • The Broadcasts
  • Prep School
  • The Shelter
  • Bailey & Sons
  • Sacred Word
  • Davis Medical Center
  • Interference: Joanna Torres
  • Interference: Aaron Lambert
  • Interference: Steven Anderson
  • Interference: Sophie Wilson
  • Murders and Confrontations
  • Next Steps
Part Three: The Long Dark Night of the Soul
  • Setting Traps
  • Catch and Kill
  • Catch and Release
  • Catch and Drive
  • Loose Ends
  • On the Road Again
  • Allies & Antagonists
  • The Victims

Chapter Four: Alone in the Dark

  • The Hunt
  • Genre
  • Story Structure
  • The Quarry
  • Complicating Factors
  • Red Flags
Part One: Northern Lights, Dark City
  • Home Away from Home: The Copper Indian
  • Second Shift
  • The House Where Nobody Lives
  • Saints Preserve Us
  • Cold Case Calling
  • A Nice Friendly Chat
  • Hard Sell
Part Two: The Lamb Lies Down in Yellowknife
  • Gather In His Name
  • Coffee Date with the Vampire
  • Heart to Heart
  • On The Trail of The Dead
Part Three: Red and White All Over
  • Nowhere To Run
  • The Carpenter’s Nest
  • Nana Werther’s Nest
  • The Vicar’s Nest
  • Blood Makes Noise
  • Loose Ends
  • On the Road Again
  • Allies & Antagonists
