Adult Gold Dragon
Adult Gold Dragon
Creature 15

Metallic Dragons on Golarion

Metallic dragons are found throughout the Inner Sea region, especially in pockets of wilderness where they can carve a hideout and then take action on political and social issues, both in their local area and on a wider scale. Their everlasting war with chromatic dragons keeps them in close proximity to their evil brethren; in regions where metallic and chromatic dragons’ territories intersect, humanoid settlements get caught in the crossfire, and villagers and city-dwellers alike rightfully fear for their own safety.

 lair in abundance around the cold wastes west of Mendev, as a consequence of the days when they joined thousands of crusaders who marched headlong into the demon-infested Worldwound.  are abundant in Taldor, and many  lair in the wilds of Andoran, where they wage war alongside other freedom fighters to overthrow devils in the neighboring empire of Cheliax. Perhaps the most extreme example of a metallic dragon taking part in human affairs is on the island nation of Hermea, where Mengkare—an ancient gold wyrm—has begun a grand social experiment he calls “the Glorious Endeavor.” Ostensibly intended to create a future utopia on Golarion, this highly controversial experiment is instead regarded by many as a cruel and unusual form of eugenics.