Aphorite Sharpshooter
Aphorite Sharpshooter
Creature 4


The denizens of the Eternal City of Axis first forged aphorites to serve as emissaries, agents, and facilitators, with one foot in the sublime, perfect order of the Plane of Law, and one in the messy, murky, confusing muck of the Material Plane. In time, aphorites spread across the length and breadth of Golarion. Today they can be found in any corner of any land, and only a fraction still serve Axis directly.

Aphorites, like all planar scions, stand out quite vividly from their fellow mortals, sporting metallic skin, a faint coating of crystalline dust, a swirl of mathematical symbols, or perfectly symmetrical features. Many aphorites think logically and find satisfaction in careers dealing with numbers and information. Often, this leads them to become bookkeepers, clerks, or architects, but some become military engineers or sharpshooters. Others are drawn to the art of production, becoming blacksmiths, carpenters, engineers, architects, tailors, masons, or other such artisans. But no matter their careers, aphorites often feel the urge to tinker, and aphorite inventions draws both mockery and appreciation in equal measure.

Aphorites who work in less academic professions, such as mercenaries or laborers, sometimes hide their keen analytical intelligence beneath extravagant demeanors and flamboyant hats. Some craft even these disguises with the same depth and complexity they do others aspect of their lives, considering every theatrical mannerism carefully and planning out their every detail.