Astral Deva
Astral Deva
Creature 14

Astral Deva (Emissary Angel)

Astral devas are the elite messengers and emissaries of the celestial realms, serving deities and celestial armies by delivering messages, performing reconnaissance, and providing support for those in need of aid. They watch over planar travelers and take powerful mortals under their wings to mentor them. Astral devas carry scrolls containing important messages and other celestial secrets.

Astral devas can form spontaneously from the souls of exceptional good-aligned mortals, but are also sometimes created from such souls intentionally by deities or demigods. In the later cases, astral devas often bear physical features that mark them as closely affiliated with that deity. An astral deva created by Sarenrae, for example, might have hair made of fire, while one created by Torag might look more dwarven, and one created by Desna could have butterfly wings instead of feathered wings. It’s not unusual for astral devas created by lawful good or chaotic good deities to share their creators’ alignment.