Changeling Exile

Changeling Exile

Creature 3

Perception +11; darkvision

Languages Common, Druidic

Skills Deception +9, Medicine +9, Nature +11, Stealth +8, Survival +9

Str +4, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2

Items leather armor, staff

AC 19; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +11; +2 circumstance to all saves vs. dream and sleep

HP 45

Speed 25 feet

Melee claws +11 (agile), Damage 1d4+4 slashing

Melee staff +11 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning

Primal Prepared Spells DC 21, attack +11; 2nd 

, 1st ; Cantrips (2nd) 

Druid Order Spells DC 21; 2nd (1 Focus Point) 

Changeling exile

This changeling exile is the child of a 

 or dreamthief hag.