Ganzi Martial Artist

Ganzi Martial Artist

Creature 3

Perception +9; low-light vision

Languages Common, Protean

Skills Athletics +10, Acrobatics +9, Deception +7, Performance +7, Stealth +9

Str +3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +2

Items explorer’s clothing, shuriken (20)

AC 21; Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +9; +1 to saves vs. effects that cause the controlled condition

HP 36; Resistances acid, electricity, or sonic 1 (chosen randomly each day)

Speed 35 feet

Melee foot +11 (agile, finesse, sweep), Damage 1d8+5 bludgeoning

Ranged shuriken +11 (agile, thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d4+5 piercing

Divine Innate Spells DC 19, attack +11; 2nd two of the following chosen at random each day using 1d12 (1: 

; 2: ; 3: ; 4: ; 5: ; 6: ; 7: ; 8: ; 9: ; 10: ; 11: ; 12: )

Flurry of Kicks Frequency once per turn; Effect The martial artist makes two melee Strikes. The martial artist applies their multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally.

Handspring Kick Requirements The martial artist has both hands free; Effect The martial artist Steps, then makes a melee Strike at a –1 penalty.


Children of primeval chaos, ganzis intertwine the churning pandemonium of the Maelstrom with the more mundane tumult of mortal life. Some arise in bloodlines touched by creatures of chaos in generations previous, while others are changed by planar friction as the Maelstrom seethes upon the shores of creation, but all share the essence of anarchy in their blood and bone.

As children of chaos, ganzis vary wildly in appearance; protean-kin remain the most common, with patches of scales and feathers and mischievous slithering tails. Others might have stranger features, such as horns, glowing orange eyes, or limbs flickering with harmless auras of entropic energy. Ganzis might be dramatically shorter, taller, thinner, or stouter than is typical for their ancestry, and it’s not uncommon for them to be mistaken for more common planar scions.

Independent-minded to a fault, often creative and capricious, ganzis prefer professions that allow them to serve as their own masters. If such a profession gives a ganzi opportunity to baffle or befuddle Golarion’s more staid citizens, then all the better. Many ganzis develop reputations as outgoing, deviant, or thrill-seeking, and many heartily embrace these reputations and lean into them. Of all the planar scions, ganzis are among the most likely to take up life as wanderers.

Ganzis with a taste for close combat are sometimes drawn to martial arts, turning their curious forms into potent and unexpected weapons. It’s common to find such ganzi in the temporary employ of others, whether out of a legitimately shared ideology or simply the need for money. Just as often, though, one may simply find a ganzi martial artist demonstrating their craft on a street corner or dealing out justice to enforcers of cruel laws.