

Creature 10

Perception +21; darkvision

Languages Boggard; 

Skills Acrobatics +19, Athletics +23, Nature +21, Stealth +19 (+21 in swamps)

Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6, Int –2, Wis +5, Cha +7

AC 29; Fort +22, Ref +17, Will +19

HP 160, regeneration 30 (deactivated by acid, cold, or fire)

Speed 25 feet, fly 20 feet, swim 30 feet; swamp stride

Melee jaws +23 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+13 piercing plus Improved Grab

Melee tongue +23 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 2d6+13 bludgeoning plus tongue grab

Primal Innate Spells DC 27; 5th 

; 4th  (at will), ,  (at will); Constant (2nd) 

Rituals DC 27; 

Song of the Swamp (auditory, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The mobogo unleashes a booming croak. All boggards and mobogos within 50 feet gain a +2 status bonus to damage rolls and saves against fear for 1 round. Other creatures in the area of effect must attempt a DC 27 Will save.

Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours.

Failure The creature is slowed 1 for 1d4 rounds.

Critical Failure The creature is slowed 2 for 1d4 rounds.

Swallow Whole (attack) Large, 2d12+6 bludgeoning, Rupture 19

Swamp Stride A mobogo ignores difficult terrain caused by swamp terrain features.

Tongue Grab A creature hit by the mobogo’s tongue becomes grabbed by the mobogo. The creature isn’t immobilized, but it can’t move beyond the reach of the mobogo’s tongue. A creature can sever the tongue with a Strike against AC 27 that deals at least 10 slashing damage. This deals no damage to the mobogo but prevents it from using its tongue Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes 1 round. The mobogo can move without ending the Grab as long as the creature remains within the tongue’s reach.

Tongue Reposition The mobogo attempts to move a creature grabbed by its tongue. The mobogo rolls an Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC. On a success, the mobogo moves the creature into any space within the tongue’s reach. If it wishes, the mobogo can transfer the grabbed creature to its jaws.


Mobogos are massive, swamp-dwelling monstrosities that combine the worst aspects of giant toads and evil dragons. Lazy, cruel, and greedy, these vile creatures make their lairs in the most ancient and primordial swamps. The boggards who call such places home worship mobogos as living demigods, regularly bringing sacrifices of food and valuables lest they become the next victims of the mobogos’ boundless appetites.