Oread Guard
Oread Guard
Creature 1


Elemental earth laces through the bones of oreads, who appear similar to stone statues of their mortal ancestry, with delicate crystals in place of hair, fur, or scales. Oreads are stoic and slow to plan but are of steadfast resolve and unwavering in their convictions.

The typical oread cherishes quiet seclusion. Yet as they age, many oreads find themselves inexplicably drawn to some far-flung location with a pull like that exerted on the needle of a compass—intangible, constant, and ultimately irresistible. The destination of this mysterious pilgrimage is unique to each oread, though it usually ends in some place of great mystical power, natural splendor, or esoteric learning. Most oreads are drawn to a place with which they are somewhat familiar, but a rare few feel drawn to travel in a seemingly random direction, departing with only their hope that they’ll discover whatever mystery lies at the end of their invisible path.

Many oreads find that the role of a guard suits their personality well, for in such a role they can feel as if they are helping to promote order but also find time to stand vigil as lone sentinels over a specific portion of a fortification or a remote location on a wilderness trail.