Priest of Pharasma

Priest of Pharasma

Creature 6

Perception +14

Languages Common

Skills Diplomacy +12, Medicine +14, Religion +14, Society +11, Survival +12

Str +3, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2

Items +1 dagger, religious symbol of Pharasma

AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14

HP 80

Speed 25 feet

Melee dagger +13 (agile, magical, versatile S), Damage 1d6+5 piercing

Ranged dagger +13 (agile, magical, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d6+5 piercing

Divine Prepared Spells DC 24, attack +16; 3rd 

 (×3),  (×2); 2nd ; 1st ; Cantrips (3rd) 

Cleric Domain Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 24; 3rd 

Divine Rituals DC 24; 

Healing Hands When the priest casts 

, they roll d10s instead of d8s.

Steady Spellcasting If another creature’s reaction would disrupt the priest’s spellcasting action, the priest attempts a DC 15 flat check. If the priest succeeds, their action isn’t disrupted.


Cloistered priests safeguard their temples and communities. They are the stalwart keepers of their god’s tenets, devoted to spreading the word. Their guidance or healing services come at the cost of a donation.