Slime Mold
Slime Mold
Creature 2

Slime Mold

A slime mold appears as a mound of earth and detritus covered in a thick layer of fungus that exudes a faint stink of decay. The fungus actually shares a symbiotic relationship with the slime mold, serving as an external digestive system while gaining access to the nutrients it needs. The ooze remains perfectly still until living prey passes within reach, then it lashes out with disgusting pseudopods. With a touch, a slime mold can infect its prey with a foul contagion known as slime rot, a horrific disease that painfully breaks down a victim’s flesh. At first, the disease manifests as painful rashes and agonized joints. In the later stages, though, the flesh of the affected creature actually begins to liquefy and run in rivulets as the creature’s spores continue to work. Death, when it occurs, swiftly causes the resulting body to split open and release a brand new slime mold.