

Creature 3

Female Black Tear commander

Perception +7

Languages Common, Jotun

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Deception +9, Society +7, Stealth +5

Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2


,  (4), jade and pearl necklace (worth 20 gp), silver ring (worth 30 gp),

AC 18; Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +7

HP 48

Attack of Opportunity

Speed 25 feet

Melee greataxe +11 (magical, sweep), Damage 1d12+4 slashing

Overhand Smash Requirements Volodmyra is wielding her greataxe and is adjacent to an enemy; Effect Volodmyra raises her greataxe above her head and puts all of her might into a single attack. If the attack hits, Volodmyra deals an additional 8 points of damage and the opponent must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save to avoid being knocked prone.

Spinning Sweep Requirements Volodmyra successfully Strikes a second enemy when making a sweep attack with her axe and is within 10 feet of a third enemy she hasn’t yet attacked; Effect Volodmyra spins in a circle (Stepping 5 feet if she chooses) and makes a third attack against a foe she hasn’t attacked this round. This third attack suffers only a –8 penalty to the attack roll (instead of the standard –10 on a third Strike). If it hits, Volodmyra deals an additional 2d6 points of damage from the furious impact.