Creature 2


Wererats tend to be selfishly opportunistic, avaricious, and paranoid as a result of their curse. Because wererats typically dwell in metropolitan areas where they can hide in plain sight, practically any city-goer could be a wererat in disguise—from the quiet shopkeep to the city’s criminal mastermind. The bustle of crowds and countless rat-holes make ghettos and shantytowns favored homes for wererats, especially since in these poorer districts the wererat can kill out of greed or fear with little chance of the authorities noticing. In some cities, wererats operate entire thieves’ guilds or organized crime rings, and membership requires willfully submitting to the wererat’s cursed bite. Wererats look very similar to ratfolk when in hybrid form, apart from potential differences in size, but ratfolk have no love for these monsters.