Yeth Hound

Yeth Hound

Creature 3

Perception +9; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet

Languages Abyssal (can’t speak any language)

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +9, Stealth +10, Survival +8

Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +1

AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12

HP 55; Weaknesses silver 5

Speed 40 feet; 

Melee jaws +11, Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus 1d6 evil, Knockdown, and sinister bite

Divine Innate Spells DC 20; Constant (4th) 

Bay (auditory, concentrate, divine, enchantment, fear, mental) The yeth hound emits an unearthly howl audible up to 300 feet away. Any non-fiend creature that hears the howl must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or become frightened 1. Any creature that critically fails and is within 60 feet of the yeth hound is instead frightened 3 and fleeing for 1d4 rounds (or until it recovers from its frightened condition). Whether it succeeds or fails the saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Bay for 24 hours.

Sinister Bite A good creature bitten by a yeth hound must attempt a DC 20 Will save. On a critical success, the creature is temporarily immune to sinister bite for 1 minute. A creature that fails becomes frightened 1, or increases the value of its frightened condition by 1 if already frightened.