

Creature 9

Perception +21; darkvision, thoughtsense (imprecise) 60 feet

Languages Aklo, Common, Yithian, 20 other languages; telepathy 100 feet

Skills Arcana +19, Diplomacy +14, Nature +18, Occultism +21, Society +19

Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +6, Wis +5, Cha +1

Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The yithian senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.

AC 27, all-around vision; Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +20

HP 112; Resistances acid 10, cold 10, fire 10, physical 10

Speed 20 feet, climb 10 feet

Melee pincer +19 (agile, deadly d10), Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning

Occult Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20; 7th 

 (see mind swap); 5th  (at will),  (at will),  (×3), , 

Mind Swap When a yithian successfully casts 

, they exchange their mind and soul with the target. Each creature takes control of the other’s body. This effect lasts until the yithian Dismisses the spell or they’re forced out by any effect that ends . When the effect ends, each creature’s mind and soul returns to its own body, regardless of physical or temporal distance, and the yithian can cast  on the target to remove any or all knowledge of its time being possessed. If the yithian is forced out of the target’s mind by an effect, the yithian can’t remove such knowledge.