Young Sovereign Dragon
Young Sovereign Dragon
Creature 11

Sovereign Dragon

The most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons’ name comes from their mandate of selecting rulers—but at some point, the dragons themselves joined the list of worthy candidates. Other imperial dragons suspect the sovereign dragons offered their connection to the elemental cycle to attain forbidden magic, evidenced by their lack of any vulnerability to wood or ability to feed on fire, despite being creatures of the earth.

Most hesitate to question the sovereigns’ authority. While some appreciate their impartial nature, others fault this adherence to neutrality. Regardless, the sovereign dragons’ charm and centuries of experience in subtle manipulation have made them exceptional negotiators.

Almost all sovereign dragons appear gold in color. Their hair ranges from common colors found among humans to bright reds, greens, or blues. They’re the only dragons with five digits per claw, a mark of special importance. Other imperial dragons dismiss this claim to status and instead tease the sovereign dragons over their need to wear armor, even while in their draconic forms.