Air Wisp

Air Wisp

Creature 0

Perception +6; darkvision

Languages Auran

Skills Acrobatics +7, Plane of Air Lore +4, Stealth +7

Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0

AC 18; Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +4

HP 10; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep

Resonance (aura, air) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that trait. A creature in the area gains a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for effects with the air trait; a creature with the elemental and air traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.

Accord Essence (air) Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp’s resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates itself in a small elemental explosion that gives temporary Hit Points equal to half the wisp’s current Hit Points to allies within 30 feet that have benefited from the wisp’s resonance in the last hour. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour.

A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can be restored only by a 

 spell or similarly powerful effect. If an ability would prevent the wisp’s destruction (for instance, if the wisp is summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.

Speed fly 40 feet

Melee tendril +7 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning

In Concert When an air wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, they get a failure instead, and when they roll a success, they get a critical success instead.

Air Wisp

Air wisps are floating spheres of cloud and storm, perpetually humming a light, whispery tone. They’re playful and capricious with great curiosity toward strangers.