Arboreal Archive
Arboreal Archive
Creature 12

Arboreal Archive

Arboreal archives are solitary beings typically found in the remote wilderness. These ancient monoliths hold the memories of their vast territories, keeping mental records of the passing seasons of the world around them. Their knowledge of humanoid affairs varies, as they find quickly shifting political situations difficult to comprehend, but through fungal networks, reports from 

, and other woodland chatter, arboreal archives learn of each storm, drought, or logging threat encountered throughout their long years. They primarily observe and record rather than interfere, but they willingly offer wisdom to those who respectfully seek them out.  call upon archives for advice in times of strife, conferring on the best course of action to protect their realms.

It is rare for there to be more than one arboreal archive in a given region. When an archive senses they’re nearing the end of their lengthy lifespan, a grove of regents gathers to nominate the wisest among them to become the next archive. After four seasons’ deliberation, all arboreals in the area congregate to witness the succession ritual, during which the elder arboreal archive transfers their collected wisdom to the elected replacement before retiring.