Azarketi Sailor

Azarketi Sailor

Creature 2

Perception +8

Languages Common

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +7 (+9 to Swim), Nature +5, Sailing Lore +6, Stealth +8 (+10 underwater) Survival +7

Str +3, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1


 (20 ), 

AC 18; Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +5

HP 30

Hydration As 


Sea Legs (fortune) An azarketi sailor gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Balance and can roll twice and take the better result on checks to Balance while aboard a ship.

Submerged Stealth As azarketi crab catcher.

Speed 25 feet; swim 25 feet

Melee scimitar +9 (forceful, sweep), Damage 1d6+5 slashing

Ranged composite longbow (deadly d10, range increment 100 feet, volley) +10, Damage 1d8+1 piercing

Swinging Strike (move) Requirement The azarketi sailor is hanging from a rope or vine; Effect The azarketi sailor swings a distance equal to up to twice their Speed, moving in a straight line, and makes a single Strike at any point during the movement.

Azarketi Sailor

Azarketis with more adventurous spirits often learn the art of sailing and join the crew of a ship. Such sailors get to enjoy their time above deck while also having near-constant access to large bodies of water. Ship captains also appreciate having azarketis on board, as they’re able to easily scrape barnacles off the hull, check the rudder, and help patch any leaks. Though they have a talent for swimming more than sailing, they’ve earned a reputation as lucky to have on board.