

Creature 8

Perception +18 (+20 to detect lies and illusions); darkvision

Languages Diabolic, Draconic, Empyrean;


+14, +17, +18

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +6, Cha +5


AC 26; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +18; +1 status to all saves vs. magic

HP 145; Weaknesses unholy 10; Resistances fire 15

Confessor’s Aura (

, , ) 20 feet. Creatures in the balisse’s aura are subject to (DC 23). Additionally, if these creatures choose to honestly express their own conflicted feelings, the aura makes it easier for them to put words to those feelings.

Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feet

Melee scimitar +20 (

, , , , ), Damage 2d6+8 slashing plus 1d6 fire

Divine Innate Spells DC 26; 4th

, , , ; 3rd (at will); 2nd (at will, self only); Constant (5th)

Rituals DC 26;

, ,

Brand of the Impenitent (

, ) Frequency once per day; Effect The balisse marks a creature within their confessor’s aura as irredeemable. They can do so only after a failed attempt to convince the creature to repent. The touched creature takes a –1 status penalty to AC and saves, reduces all its resistances by 2, and gains weakness 2 to holy. The duration depends on the target’s DC 26 Will save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The duration is 1 round.

Failure The duration is 1 day.

Critical Failure The duration is unlimited.

Guiding Angel (

, divine) Requirements The balisse is invisible; Effect The balisse spiritually attaches themself to an adjacent mortal who doesn’t have the unholy trait. They merge with the mortal’s body and are unable to use any of their spells and abilities other than to interact with the mortal. They can the effect to leave the mortal. While merged, the balisse can either communicate using a bodiless voice only the mortal can hear or can take a form of their choice that only the mortal can see, such as a small angel on the mortal’s shoulder.

Balisse (Confessor Angel)

Balisses, or confessor angels, seek to assist mortals ensnared by moral dilemmas or crises of faith. They prefer to guide people to their own decisions rather than demand obedience to a higher cause, as intrinsic belief is even more powerful than unquestioning obedience. While most balisses are fundamentally honest, they use their guiding angel ability to seem less intimidating and decrease the chance the mortal will simply acquiesce to the opinion of an obviously divine being.

While balisses can spring from any soul with suitable patience and strong counsel, they often form from souls of those who performed evil acts but were redeemed. These souls recognize the struggle and shame of those in similar situations, and can offer advice from the heart rather than from rote sympathy. Many serve the goddess

, but they can serve other good deities and empyreal lords as well.