Castruccio Irovetti

Castruccio Irovetti

Creature 16

Male human king

Perception +26; darkvision, see invisibility

Languages Aklo, Common, Hallit, Jotun, Skald, Sylvan

Skills Acrobatics +31, Arcana +27, Athletics +28, Deception +31, Intimidation +31, Nature +26, Occultism +29, Performance +29, Society +29

Str +4, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +0, Cha +5


, , palace key (unlocks all locks in the palace in Pitax), , wand of , wand of 

Nyrissa’s Favor Nyrissa infused Irovetti with additional abilities. He gained darkvision and the ability to see invisible creatures as a result of this favor, in addition to the typical +2 status bonus to Performance when determining the effect of compositions.

AC 39; Fort +28, Ref +31, Will +26

HP 300

Speed 30 feet

Melee rod of razors +30 (reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 3d10+12 slashing

Ranged flechette +32 (range increment 100 feet, deadly d10, volley 30 ft.), Damage 3d8+12 piercing

Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 37, attack +30; 8th (3 slots) 

; 7th (3 slots) ; 6th (3 slots) ; 5th (3 slots) ; 4th (3 slots) ; 3rd (3 slots) ; 2nd (3 slots) ; 1st (3 slots) ; Cantrips (8th) 

Bard Composition Spells 3 Focus Points; 4th 

; Cantrips (4th) .

Rituals DC 37 

Signature Spells Irovetti can heighten the following spells freely: dispel magic, dominate, duplicate foe, private sanctum, sending, soothe, and vampiric touch.

Songstrike (evocation, occult) Irovetti sings out a short aria that resonates within his rod of razors, causing it to become infused with sonic energy. He attempts a Strike with the rod of razors, and if he hits, he inflicts an additional 5d10 sonic damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save).