Perception +12; darkvision
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +12
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2
Slow As
.AC 23; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +10
HP 125, negative healing; Immunities death effects, disease, fire, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses positive 5, slashing 5
Quenchable Death Throes When a chemical zombie dies, its body explodes in a 30-foot burst of fire and debris that deals 2d10 bludgeoning and 2d10 fire damage to each creature in the area (DC 21 basic Reflex save). If the chemical zombie is soaked with water before it dies (such as by dousing it with a bucket of water or hitting it with a water spell like
), the chemicals are neutralized and this ability doesn’t trigger.Speed 30 feet
Melee fist +17, Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoning plus 1d6 persistent fire and blinding sulfur
Blinding Sulfur (incapacitation) A sulfur zombie burns with putrid inner fire. A creature hit by a sulfur zombie’s fist Strike must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is blinded for 1 round, or for 1 minute on a critical failure.
Sulfur Zombie
Glowing with a dull amber light, these odious creatures spawn from a combination of necromancy and fire. These destructive creations sow chaos and demolish fortifications, making them the bane of besieged cities.