Creature 2

Dretch (Sloth Demon)

Among the lowest and least powerful of all demons, dretches are just as vicious and cruel as their more powerful brethren. They happily vent their frustrations on anything weaker than themselves.

Born from the souls of the slothful, these demons appear vaguely humanoid in appearance with awkward limbs and slack lumps of skin hanging from their frames. Supposedly, a single slothful soul of sufficient depravity and strength can spawn an entire horde of these creatures. However, as weaker demons, their lot in life is to suffer at the hands of more powerful Abyssal predators, and only a tiny number of dretches ever manage to become something more. For this reason, dretches are quite accommodating when summoned by mortals. They’re usually content to work under conditions few other outsiders would accept, although they’ll still gladly turn on even the kindest of masters who show even the slightest hint of weakness.