Perception +24; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet, snow vision
Languages Draconic, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +29, Athletics +25, Intimidation +21
Str +5, Dex +7, Con +5, Int –1, Wis +4, Cha +1
Snow Vision Snow doesn’t impair a drake courser’s vision. It ignores concealment from snowfall.
AC 34; Fort +25, Ref +27, Will +20
HP 250; Immunities cold, paralyzed, unconscious; Weaknesses fire 15
Attack of Opportunity Tail only. On a critical hit, the target is knocked prone; if the target was using a move action, its movement ends.
Speed 35 feet, fly 65 feet, swim 35 feet, ice climb 35 feet
Melee fangs +27, Damage 3d12+13 piercing plus 1d6 cold
Melee tail +27 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+13 bludgeoning plus Knockdown
Battle Dance The drake courser makes two fangs Strikes and one tail Strike in any order. It can replace any of these Strikes with Demoralize or Step.
Buffeting Surge (move) Frequency three times per day; Effect The drake courser moves up to twice its Speed. It can attempt to Trip with its tail once at any point during its movement.
Freezing Mist Breath The drake spits a ball of liquid up to 60 feet that explodes into a 20-foot burst of freezing mist. Those in the burst take 13d6+4 cold damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The mist cakes all surfaces in the area with a sheet of slippery ice that turns the area into difficult terrain for 2d4 rounds. It can’t use Freezing Mist Breath again for 1d6 rounds.
Ice Climb A drake courser can climb on ice as though it had the listed climb Speed. It ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from ice and snow and doesn’t risk falling when crossing ice.
Frost Drake
Frost drakes pose an immense danger in the frozen reaches they call home, where they roam far and wide to hunt for prey such as caribou, wolves, small bears, and tundra-dwelling people. Related as they are to
, these drakes share many habits and facets of their disposition with their draconic cousins. Indeed, just as white dragons are among the most bestial and craven of dragonkind, frost drakes are among the most depraved and openly malicious of the drakes. They are also especially insolent, and are less likely to back down from a fight compared to other drakes. Many frost drakes have met their ends trying to enact cruelties beyond their means, such as singly taking on an entire castle or well-fortified township. Although a frost drake can wreak much destruction on its own, tales of village-dwelling northerners banding together to defend their homes from these rogue menaces are fairly common.A frost drake’s hunting grounds are quite large. Those frost drakes that live upon the permanently frozen peaks of high mountains have been known to swoop down to snatch up prey from the lowlands, leaving frozen swaths of earth from their breath as the only sign of their passing. Their frost-covered scales range from deep royal blue to crisp cyan and sometimes feature sporadic patches of violet. Their hides are thinner than most drakes’; when a frost drake is inhaling in preparation to launch its signature frozen breath, the monster’s ice-blue blood can be seen beneath its scales.