Guardian Naga

Guardian Naga

Creature 10

Perception +22; darkvision

Languages Celestial, Common

Skills Acrobatics +22, Deception +18, Diplomacy +21, Heaven Lore +21, Stealth +20

Str +5, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +4

AC 31; Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +22

HP 175

Speed 25 feet

Melee fangs +22 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus guardian naga venom

Ranged spit +22 (agile, poison, range increment 30 feet), Effect guardian naga venom

Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 29, attack +21; 5th (4 slots) 

; 4th (4 slots) ; 3rd (4 slots) ; 2nd (4 slots) ; 1st (4 slots) ; Cantrips (5th) 

Guardian Naga Venom (poison); Saving Throw DC 29 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 3d6 poison (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison and drained 1 (1 round)

Guardian Naga

The opposite of 

 in many ways, guardian nagas are benevolent and wise protectors of places of great natural or supernatural significance: ancient oak groves, forgotten holy temples, and vaults of sacred power are just a few examples of locations that these nagas protect. Guardian nagas believe that the beautiful elements of the cosmos are worthy of protection and that devotion to such a grand effort is its own reward. A guardian naga may join a group with similar values, such as a sect of priests or monks, to aid it in its holy endeavors and to exchange knowledge of the heavens.

Guardian nagas usually encourage their young, upon reaching adulthood, to depart the nest and seek out their own natural wonders or ancient ruins to protect. Sometimes generations of guardian nagas might guard the same place, passing the honor of such care from parent to child. In such cases, the parent nagas aim to have at least one of their children elect to stay behind and become the guardian of their ancestral ward, giving the parents the peace of mind that the site they protect will continue to be guarded by their descendants.

It is difficult for many societies that vilify serpents or see them as symbols of evil to accept the fact that guardian nagas are benevolent and kindly. Fortunately for these people, guardian nagas are also patient and understanding, and see encounters with such societies as opportunities to educate and expand worldviews.