

Creature 11

Perception +24; greater darkvision

Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet

Skills Acrobatics +23, Arcana +18, Intimidation +21, Religion +20, Stealth +23, Survival +22

Str +7, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +4

AC 31; Fort +23, Ref +20, Will +20; +1 status to all saves vs. magic

HP 165; Immunities fire; Weaknesses good 10; Resistances physical 10 (except silver), poison 10

Attack of Opportunity Barb only. A hamatula gains an extra reaction at the start of each of its turns that it can use only to make an Attack of Opportunity. It can’t use more than one Attack of Opportunity triggered by the same action. In addition to the normal trigger, a hamatula can make an Attack of Opportunity against a creature that touches it or an adjacent creature that attempts a melee Strike against it.

Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feet

Melee barb +24 (evil, magical), Damage 3d8+13 piercing plus 1d6 evil and bloodletting

Ranged hurled barb +23 (evil, magical, range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d8+13 piercing plus 1d6 evil and bloodletting

Divine Innate Spells DC 27, attack +21; 5th 

(at will); 4th  (at will); 3rd  (×2); Cantrips (5th) 

Rituals DC 27; 

Bloodletting On a critical hit, the hamatula’s barbs deal 3d6 persistent bleed damage.

Frightful Strike (divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) Trigger The hamatula hits a creature with a barb Strike; Effect The creature struck must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Frightful Strike for 24 hours.

Impaling Barb The hamatula makes a barb Strike, then Strides up to half its Speed without triggering reactions. If the Strike hits, the hamatula impales the target with one of its barbs and snaps the barb free as it moves away from the target. This deals an additional 2d8 piercing damage to the target and pins it to an adjacent surface, rendering it immobilized (Escape DC 29).

Warden of Erebus A hamatula’s 

 innate spell can contain any common spell from the Core Rulebook that meets the criteria in ; the hamatula doesn’t need to provide the spell.

Hamatula (Barbed Devil)

Hamatulas are forged in Erebus to protect infernal vaults from those foolish enough to try to rob the archdevil Mammon. In case the vicious spines protruding from their bodies and ability to teleport weren’t deadly enough, they are also clever wielders of warding glyphs. They are effective conjured guardians, though they resent being pulled away from their duties in Hell. Unlike most fiends, hamatulas are formed from several souls that lack any features distinctive enough to merit another role.