Hellbound Attorney

Hellbound Attorney

Creature 4

Perception +11; greater darkvision

Languages Common, Infernal

Skills Acrobatics +10, Deception +11, Diplomacy +11 (+13 to Make an Impression), Intimidation +11, Legal Lore +14, Society +12

Str +1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +3

Items elegant cane (as mace), legal ledgers

AC 20; Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +13

HP 60; Weaknesses good 2; Resistances fire 4

Abrogation of Consequences Trigger The Hellbound attorney rolls a success or critical failure on a saving throw against a linguistic effect; Effect The attorney finds a loophole in the wording of the effect, turning the success into a critical success or a critical failure into a normal failure.

Speed 20 feet

Melee elegant cane +12 (agile, finesse, shove), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning

Divine Innate Spells DC 21; 1st 

Opening Statement (auditory, concentrate) Trigger The Hellbound attorney’s turn begins; Effect The attorney enumerates the alleged crimes of a creature they can see and attempts a Legal Lore check against that creature’s Will DC. On a success, the attorney’s Strikes deal an additional 2d6 precision damage (4d6 precision damage on a critical success) to the creature until the end of the attorney’s turn.

Hellbound Creature

Sadly, there’s no shortage of people willing to trade all they have for the promise of power. Infernal contracts are the most common of such agreements, but powerful devils can offer even greater abilities at the cost of the mortal’s soul and an obligation to advance Hell’s infernal agenda. This mortal becomes a fiend known as a Hellbound creature.

Creating a Hellbound Creature

Hellbound is a theme template applied to creatures and NPCs to reflect powers gained through a bargain with Hell. Theme templates provide additional abilities to the base creature based on its level. When you add any template that grants numerous additional abilities, you should strongly consider removing one or more of the creature’s original abilities to compensate, or consider raising the creature’s level by 1 and adjusting its other statistics accordingly.

All Creatures: Change the creature’s alignment to evil, if it isn’t already. Add the devil and fiend traits. The creature gains resistance to fire equal to its level and weakness to good equal to half its level.

1st Level or Higher: Add Deception to the creature’s skills. The creature gains greater darkvision.

4th Level or Higher: The creature can cast 1st-level 

 once per day as a divine innate spell; for every 2 levels it has beyond 4th,  is heightened an additional spell level.

7th Level or Higher: The creature gains the 


12th Level or Higher: The creature can cast 

once per day as a divine innate spell.

17th Level or Higher: The creature can cast 

 once per day as a divine innate spell.

Hellbound Attorney

The Hellbound attorney sought the assistance of a 

—one of Hell’s contract devils—to bolster her legalistic ability on the Material Plane.