Hound Echo
Hound Echo
Creature 2

Hound of Tindalos

Lean and athirst, the hounds of Tindalos are drawn to those who tamper with the flow of time, travel through time, or use magic or rare alchemical drugs to send their thoughts or perception back or forward in time. Powerful spellcasters can draw them from the Dimension of Time via rare rituals, but doing so attracts the hounds’ ire, so few who traffic in such rituals live long enough to spread their knowledge. While the hounds possess great cunning and cruel intellect, they rarely interact with other creatures—other than to hunt and destroy those who have attracted their unblinking attention.

Once a hound catches scent of a mortal to hunt, it calls others of its ilk. The pack then pursues its victim through all space and time until it catches, slays and devours them. Those pursued can escape only by avoiding all angles, as hounds of Tindalos could step through them from nothingness at any time.