Perception +30; darkvision
Languages Auran, Common; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Acrobatics +30, Athletics +28, Diplomacy +32, Medicine +32, Nature +32, Occultism +27
Str +6, Dex +9, Con +7, Int +7, Wis +9, Cha +5
Blurred Countenance Creatures farther than 60 feet from an inmyeonjo see it only as the generic form of a huge bird. An inmyeonjo has concealment against attacks originating farther than 60 feet away.
AC 38; Fort +25, Ref +28, Will +30
HP 300; Immunities disease
Limited Immortality Though an inmyeonjo still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, they don’t age and can’t die of old age.
Terrifying Beauty (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet. Any creature within 60 feet of an inmyeonjo that the inmyeonjo can see must attempt a DC 32 Will save. The effects last for 1 day while it is within the area of blurred countenance.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is immune to the inmyeonjo’s Terrifying Beauty for 1 day.
Success The creature finds the inmyeonjo beguiling and becomes stupefied 1.
Failure The creature finds the inmyeonjo terrifying and becomes frightened 1.
Critical Failure The creature finds the inmyeonjo dreadful, becoming frightened 2. They can’t willingly move closer to the inmyeonjo.
Speed 40 feet, fly 100 feet
Melee talon + 30 (agile, finesse, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+18 bludgeoning
Melee tail +30 (agile, finesse, reach 25 feet), Damage 3d8+18 bludgeoning
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 34, attack +26; 8th (1 slot)
, ; 7th (2 slots) , ; 6th (2 slots) , ; 5th (2 slots) , ; 4th (3 slots) , ; 3rd (3 slots) , ; 2nd (3 slots) ; Cantrips (8th) ,Inmyeonjo
Mountain guides whisper stories of giant white birds that stretch towards the sky, singing with human voices. While these stories are often dismissed as tall tales, the truth is much stranger, for the bird they’ve encountered not only has a human voice, but one a human face as well. Inmyeonjos are enormous white birds with flowing tails, abnormally long necks, and mask-like human faces. They wear an elongated black headpiece that serves as a vessel for their life energy, enabling their reincarnation through any living creature.
Inmyeonjos often serve as gatekeepers or guardians of the tombs of great sages and leaders who brought peace to their lands and people. They can also be found atop on high mountains where the border between earth and sky is thinnest. Ultimately, inmyeonjos strive for balance and peace among all mortals. A person who has encountered an inmyeonjo often has trouble remembering if the strange creature was beautiful or terrifying.