Jamandi Aldori

Jamandi Aldori

Creature 14

Female half-elf swordlord

Perception +23, low-light vision

Languages Common, Elven, Hallit

Skills Acrobatics +29, Athletics +27, Restov Lore +23, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +26, Society +23

Str +3, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +4


, ,

AC 36; Fort +23, Ref +27, Will +24

HP 260

Attack of Opportunity

Speed 25 feet

Melee Aldori dueling sword +29 (finesse, versatile P); Damage 2d8+9 slashing

Aldori Parry Requirement Jamandi wields only an Aldori dueling sword and her other hand is free; Effect Jamandi parries attacks against her with her sword, and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to her AC until the start of her next turn as long as she continues to meet the requirement.

Aldori Riposte Requirements Jamandi is benefiting from Aldori Parry; Trigger An opponent within Jamandi’s reach critically fails a Strike against her; Effect Jamandi ripostes with her sword and makes a melee Strike or uses a Disarm action against the triggering opponent.

Saving Slash Trigger an opponent critically hits Jamandi with a melee attack; Effect Jamandi whirls her blade, trying to deflect enough momentum to avoid the worst of the attack. If she succeeds at a DC 16 flat check, the attack becomes a normal hit, instead of a critical hit.

Unnerving Prowess Trigger Jamandi critically succeeds at a Strike or Disarm with her sword; Effect Jamandi attempts to Demoralize the creature she struck or disarmed; this Demoralize attempt does not have the auditory trait, nor does she take a penalty to the check if the target doesn’t understand her language.