Leng Envoy

Leng Envoy

Creature 18



Perception +31; darkvision

Languages Aklo; 

Skills Acrobatics +32, Athletics +29, Deception +35, Intimidation +32, Occultism +35, Sailing Lore +38, Stealth +32, Thievery +30

Str +5, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +9, Wis +5, Cha +6


, Leng rubies worth 300 gp (4), pipes

AC 42; Fort +27, Ref +30, Will +33

HP 240, planar fast healing 15; Immunities cold; Resistances critical hits 20, precision 20

No Breath The Leng envoy doesn’t need to breathe.

Planar Fast Healing As denizen of Leng.

Speed 30 feet

Melee kukri +34 (agile, finesse, magical, trip), Damage 3d6+13 slashing plus 3d6 persistent bleed

Melee jaws +32 (agile, finesse), Damage 3d10+13 piercing plus debilitating bite

Occult Innate Spells DC 40, attack +34; 9th 

 ; 8th ; 5th ; 7th ; 4th ; 3rd ; 2nd ; Cantrips (9th) ; Constant (9th) 

Leng Ruby (enchantment, occult) As denizen of Leng, but can target a creature with 

, or .

Debilitating Bite (curse, occult) As denizen of Leng, but DC 40 Fortitude save.

Play the Pipes (auditory, primal) Frequency once per day; Requirements The Leng envoy is holding a musical instrument; Effect The envoy plays a melody on its instrument to cast 

, or  without expending the spell slot and using his music in place of providing the spell’s component actions. The spell gains the auditory trait and targets all creatures in a 60-foot emanation instead of its usual targets. A creature that succeeds at its Will save against any spell is then temporarily immune from all spells played from the envoy’s pipes for 1 minute. Aberrations are immune to this music.

Denizen of Leng

Slavers and raiders from the cold, windswept dimension of Leng, these malevolent humanoids range across reality in ominous black ships capable of sailing beyond the borders of dimensions and planes. Although most denizens of Leng seek slaves and plunder like any pirate, others operate as self-styled ambassadors and merchants, sowing discord with far-ranging plots. While the inscrutable denizens dress themselves in flowing robes, veils, and broad turbans to appear human, their aberrant physiology, when glimpsed, is evident from their crown of stubby horns and tentacled jaws to their furry, goat-like legs.

Above the fierce captains who command the infamous black ships are an even higher caste of denizens of Leng. These cultists and musicians serve as high priests, laboring to appease the frightening gods who look down upon the Nightmare Realm with cold malice.