Creature 7

Lillend (Muse Azata)

Lillends are tale-tellers, chroniclers, and champions of freedom of expression. They are generally peaceful, but are quick to act if a masterful piece of art is threatened or free speech is suppressed. They pride themselves on inspiring mortals to greater heights of expression and creativity, and more than one bard looks to a lillend as their personal inspiration. Lillends sometimes secretly follow the adventures of mortal heroes to record their stories as epic poems and songs, which they then perform in the packed mead halls of Elysium. When pursuing such goals, lillends take pains to use their innate spells to remain in hiding, as they would rather observe and record events without “polluting” them with their own intervention. Nevertheless, a lillend who sees their charge faced with certain death often cannot resist the urge to intervene and save the day. Inevitably, this brings a close to the lillend’s chronicles, as their relationship with their subject invariably shifts from one of detached observation to friendship or more. Yet lillends remain hesitant to involve themselves for overlong in a mortal’s life, in part because they fear what sort of fiendish attention their presence might attract, but mostly out of respect for the mortal’s own destiny. A lillend would, all things being equal, prefer to let mortals choose their own fate rather than run the risk of sending someone down a path to which their heart is not set.