Mithral Golem

Mithral Golem

Creature 16

Perception +26; darkvision

Skills Acrobatics +30, Athletics +33

Str +9, Dex +6, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5

AC 40; Fort +27, Ref +30, Will +24

HP 220; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Resistances physical 15 (except adamantine)

Evasion When the mithral golem rolls a success on a Reflex save, it gets a critical success instead.

Golem Antimagic harmed by cold and water (8d10, 2d10 from areas and persistent damage); healed by transmutation (area 2d10 HP); slowed by electricity

Swift Steps A mithral golem is permanently quickened, and it can use the extra action only to Step or Stride.

Vulnerable to Slow A mithral golem is not healed by a 

spell, and such spells affect them normally. A  spell reverses the effects of a  spell immediately.

Speed 50 feet, climb 40 feet

Melee fist +31 (agile, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12+12 bludgeoning

Melee spike +31 (deadly 2d10, magical, reach 30 feet), Damage 3d10+12 piercing

Liquefy The mithral golem becomes fully liquid and amorphous. It gains immunity to precision damage, but it takes double damage from cold and water magic (see golem antimagic). The only actions it can use while Liquefied are move actions, Spike Storm, and spike Strikes. It can resume its normal form by taking this action again.

Spike Storm The mithral golem makes a spike Strike against each target within its reach. These attacks count toward the mithral golem’s multiple attack penalty, but its multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks.

Mithral Golem

Mithral golems are gorgeously crafted, silvery humanoids made from colossal amounts of the purest mithral. While massive in construction, they possess amazing speed and grace through literal fluidity. Unpredictable and flexible, they can melt into liquid form and reform into a solid shape in mere seconds, allowing them to shape their limbs into sharp spikes or heavy fists as needed.