

Creature 15

Perception +29; greater darkvision, thoughtsense 100 feet

Languages Aklo, Alghollthu, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feet

Skills Acrobatics +25, Athletics +28, Deception +29, Diplomacy +27, Intimidation +29, Occultism +29

Str +9, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +8

Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The neothelid uses its mind as a precise sense at the listed range to notice all non-mindless creatures.

AC 37; Fort +27, Ref +23, Will +29; +1 status to all saves vs. magic

HP 345; Immunities acid; Weaknesses cold iron 15; Resistances mental 15

Dimensional Wormhole (conjuration, occult, teleportation) Trigger A creature the neothelid is aware of uses a teleportation effect; Effect The neothelid creates an extradimensional wormhole at the triggering creature’s initial location that persists for up to 1 minute. If the neothelid moves into the wormhole’s space, the neothelid teleports to the same destination as the triggering creature.

Speed 30 feet, fly 50 feet

Melee jaws +28 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12+13 piercing plus Improved Grab

Melee rasping tongue +28 (agile, fatal d10, reach 25 feet), Damage 3d8+13 slashing

Occult Innate Spells DC 38, attack +30; 8th 

; 7th ; 6th  (×3),  (at will); 5th  (at will),  (at will); Cantrips (8th) 

Rituals DC 38; 

Breath Weapon (acid, evocation, occult) The neothelid breathes a spray of acid that deals 16d6 acid damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save). The neothelid can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Instant Suggestion Trigger A creature fails a Will save against a spell or effect created by the neothelid; Effect The neothelid casts a 

 spell it has available on the creature that failed its Will save.

Lashing Tongues The neothelid’s four tongues lash out in a frenzy at several targets. It makes up to four rasping tongue Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the neothelid’s multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after the neothelid makes all of its attacks.

Swallow Whole Large, 2d12 bludgeoning plus 2d12 acid, Rupture 27


This gigantic, mauve worm has a hooked mouth with multiple circular bands of teeth and four barbed tongues. A wielder of terrible occult powers and a vast alien intellect, the neothelid serves the ageless horrors that dwell in strange dimensions beyond known reality—the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones of the Elder Mythos. Neothelids pass down these mysteries to the eerie wormlike creatures they spawn and create in preparation for a future where the worms below shall rule—a time when all other life is nothing more than food.