Night Hag
Night Hag
Creature 9

Night Hag

Night hags are thieves and merchants of mortal souls. These foul creatures collect souls in dark gems or crystalline jars to sell in fiendish markets, and are themselves empowered by potent magic jewels known as heartstones. They haunt the Ethereal Plane, where they prey upon mortals in their dreams, debilitating them with horrific nightmares as they rest. A night hag may find a particular target and haunt them continuously over the course of weeks, slowly and cruelly breaking down the victim’s will and ability to resist, until their soul is forfeit.

A night hag is a canny mastermind and soul broker, willing to consider any deal as long as she is convinced she has the upper hand. Although a night hag finds it easy to travel the Ethereal Plane and prey upon helpless souls that can’t fight back, these souls are also the least desirable to the evil outsiders the night hag bargains with, and so a night hag gathers allies and minions that allow her to prey on more potent souls without personally risking herself. Their favored minions are nightmares, with whom they share a special bond. Above all, night hags avoid fighting foes that can harry them on the Ethereal Plane, picking fights only when they are certain they can escape.