Quintessa Maray

Quintessa Maray

Creature 11

Female human bard

Perception +20

Languages Common, Elven

Skills Acrobatics +19, Deception +24, Diplomacy +20, Performance +22, Society +21, Stealth +21, Thievery +23

Str +0, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +5


 necklace worth 30 gp

AC 32; Fort +19, Ref +23, Will +20

HP 145

Damsel Act (mental) Trigger A critical hit is scored against Lady Quintessa; Effect Lady Quintessa exaggerates the impact of the blow, attempting to trick her foes into underestimating her as weak and frail. She makes a Feint attempt against the triggering creature. If she successfully performs her Damsel Act while she has an inspire courage composition active, the duration of that composition increases by 1 round.

Speed 30 feet

Melee dagger +23 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 2d4+4 piercing

Bard Spontaneous Spells DC 30, attack +22; 6th (2 slots) 

; 5th (3 slots) ; 4th (3 slots) ; 3rd (3 slots) ; 2nd (3 slots) ; 1st (3 slots) ; Cantrips (6th) 

Bard Composition Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 30; 6th 

; Cantrips (6th) 

Quickened Casting (concentrate, metamagic) Frequency once per day; Effect If Quintessa’s next action is to cast a bard cantrip or a bard spell that is 4th level or lower, reduce the number of actions to cast it by 1 (minimum 1 action).

Signature Spells Quintessa can heighten the following spells freely: dimension door, dispel magic, hallucination, soothe, and vampiric touch.