Runecarved Lich

Runecarved Lich

Creature 19

Perception +32; darkvision

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon

Skills Arcana +34, Crafting +38 (can craft magic items), Deception +35, Diplomacy +35, Intimidation +37, Occultism +36, Religion +34, Stealth +33

Str +5, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +7, Wis +7, Cha +10

Items +2 greater 

 (7th), wand of 

Stored Items The runecarved lich can store items inside its body, as detailed below. The lich can Interact to remove or store an item. If the lich’s body is destroyed, any stored items appear among their bones.

Arm Wands (extradimensional) The runecarved lich can store up to two wands in the radius and ulna of one of their arms. These wands can be used as if wielded, and they can’t be disarmed. If an arm wand is overcharged, the lich takes 20 damage if the wand is broken or 40 if it’s destroyed.

Spell Tome A runecarved lich has a carefully crafted tome, filled with magical power, placed inside their ribcage. This tome can hold up to three spells stolen by the Spellstealing Counter ability.

Stored Weapon (extradimensional) The lich can store a single one-handed weapon of 1 Bulk or less, linked to special runes carved into the bones of one of the lich’s arms. This runecarved lich has the battle axe listed in its items, but a different individual might have a different weapon. A weapon the lich wields deals additional damage equal to half the number of dice from its hand attack.

AC 42; Fort +27, Ref +33, Will +36; +1 status to all saves vs. positive

HP 330, negative healing (see Ability Glossary), rejuvenation (as 

); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistance cold 10, physical 10 (except magic bludgeoning)

Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC 38 (page 212)

Spellstealing Counter (abjuration, occult) Trigger A creature the lich can see Casts a Spell; Requirements The runecarved lich has fewer than three spells stored in its spell tome; Effect The lich expends a spell slot of the same level as the spell being cast to counter the triggering creature’s casting. The runecarved lich loses their spell slot as if they’d cast the triggering spell. The lich then attempts to counteract the triggering spell (counteract modifier +35). If successful, the spell is countered and added to the runecarved lich’s spell tome.

Speed 25 feet

Melee battle axe +34 (magical, sweep), Damage 3d8+13 slashing plus 3d8 negative

Melee hand +31 (finesse, magical), Damage 6d8 negative

Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 45, attack +37; 9th (3 slots) 

; 8th (3 slots) ; 7th (3 slots) ; 6th (3 slots) ; 5th (3 slots) ; 4th (3 slots) , ; 3rd (3 slots) ; 2nd (3 slots) ; 1st (3 slots) ; Cantrips (9th) 

Consult the Text (manipulate) Frequency once per day; Effect The runecarved lich causes the pages of their spell tome to flip open, revealing an occult spell of 9th level or lower of their choice. For the remainder of the day, the lich can cast that spell as if it were one of their spells known for every level from its base level up to 9th.

Drain Spell Tome Effect The lich draws upon the magic stored in their spell tome to cast one of the spells they’ve countered. This spell is the same level as the one countered, but it uses the runecarved lich’s spell DC and spell attack. Casting a spell in this way removes it from the spell tome.

Steady Spellcasting If a reaction would disrupt the runecarved lich’s spellcasting action, the lich attempts a DC 15 flat check. On a success, the action isn’t disrupted.

Summon Weapon Requirements The lich has a stored weapon in its arm and has that hand free; Effect The runecarved lich summons its stored weapon into that arm’s hand.