Shadow Giant

Shadow Giant

Creature 13

Perception +20; darkvision

Languages Common, Jotun, Shadowtongue

Skills Athletics +27, Intimidation +22, Stealth +21 (+23 to Hide in dim light)

Str +8, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +3

Items +1 resilient breastplate, sack with 5 rocks, +1 striking spiked chain

AC 33; Fort +25, Ref +20, Will +23

HP 275

Attack of Opportunity

Catch Rock

Speed 35 feet

Melee spiked chain +27 (disarm, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 3d8+18 slashing plus pall of shadow

Melee fist +26 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+18 bludgeoning plus pall of shadow

Ranged rock +26 (brutal, range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d8+18 bludgeoning

Pall of Shadow (divine, necromancy, shadow) When a shadow giant hits with a melee Strike, the target must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become drained 1 and take a –1 status penalty to Perception checks involving sight as long as they remain drained. On a critical failure, this condition doesn’t heal naturally and can be removed only with magic.

Shadowcloak (divine, illusion, shadow) The shadow giant becomes shrouded in shadows and becomes concealed. As the nature of this effect leaves the giant’s location obvious, it can’t use this concealment to Hide or Sneak. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until it is exposed to direct sunlight, whichever comes first.

Throw Rock

Shadow Giant

Shadow giants are fierce natives of the Shadow Plane, where they have dwelled in perpetual twilight for millennia. Their cultures vary greatly depending on whether the giants reside in their land of origin or have relocated to the Material Plane. On the Shadow Plane, they live in familiar groups and uphold a nomadic way of life as they roam across ancestral lands between shadowy forests and misty chasms. These hunter-gatherers pass down lore through oral histories, conduct pilgrimages to unholy ziggurats of black stone, and bathe in the blood of their long-standing foes, including rival shadow giant clans and velstracs intent on enslaving their kind. On the Material Plane, conversely, they are secretive and isolationist, keeping apart from other peoples in forbidding structures of black stone in high, isolated mountain valleys.

Standing 15 feet tall, with gray skin and hair only a shade lighter, shadow giants are fearsome foes with a well-earned reputation as zealous warmongers and ruthless combatants. They rarely interact with outsiders, though they may treat with proven warriors who show the giants the respect and deference they feel they deserve. Only a small subset of shadow giants worship Zon-Kuthon, and most of these Kuthites are so firmly entrenched in the culture of Nidal that their Shadow Plane-dwelling kin would hardly recognize them. Most shadow giants instead practice an ancient religion, unique to their people, with its own bloody themes of sacrifice and self-mutilation.