Shanrigol Behemoth

Shanrigol Behemoth

Creature 9

Perception +18; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet

Skills Athletics +20, Stealth +16

Str +7, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha –5

AC 27, all-around vision; Fort +21, Ref +18, Will +16

HP 140, negative healing; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances slashing 10, piercing 10; Weaknesses positive 10

Necrotic Decay (divine, necromancy, negative) When the shanrigol behemoth dies, its flesh rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals 9d6 negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well (DC 27 basic Fortitude save).

Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet

Melee fleshy slap +21 (forceful, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+11 bludgeoning plus Grab

Ranged bone shard +18 (agile, range increment 30 feet, versatile P), Damage 1d12+11 bludgeoning

Ranged web +18 (range increment 30 feet), Effect web trap

Sapping Squeeze As

, but 1d10+11 bludgeoning and 1d6 persistent bleed, DC 25.

Shred Flesh A shanrigol behemoth’s attacks brutally rend its foes. Creatures critically hit by the shanrigol’s fleshy slap Strike take an additional 2d6 persistent bleed damage and are enfeebled 1 for as long as they are bleeding.

Undulating Step As shanrigol heap.

Web Trap A creature hit by the shanrigol behemoth’s web attack is immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface until it can Escape (DC 25).