Stone Lion Cub

Stone Lion Cub

Creature 2

Perception +10; darkvision

Languages Common, Celestial; telepathy 60 feet

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Meteorology Lore +7, Religion +8

Str +3, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +0

Anchored Soul The cub is mystically bonded to its bonded vessel and must remain within 1 mile of it. Some might be further restricted to the location it guards.

AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +10; +1 status to all saves vs. evil

HP 28; Immunities disease, paralyzed, petrified, poison

Bonded Vessel The condition of a stone cub’s vessel dictates the cub’s maximum Hit Point value. Undamaged, the vessel is an object with 28 Hit Points (BT 14). When the cub is in spirit form, damaging it doesn’t hurt the vessel, but damaging the vessel deals an equal amount of damage to the cub. When the cub Inhabits its Vessel, they’re a single target, and damage reduces the Hit Points of both the cub and the vessel. If the vessel is broken, the cub can still fight normally while inhabiting it and suffers no ill effect, but if the vessel is ever destroyed, the cub is instantly slain and can’t reconstitute.

Reconstitution (divine, necromancy) When the cub reaches 0 Hit Points, its spirit dissipates. If its bonded vessel is intact, the cub re-forms in this vessel after 2d4 days, fully healed. If the vessel is broken, it must first be Repaired, after which the cub reforms in 3d4 days.

Speed fly 25 feet

Divine Innate Spells DC 17; 1st 

 (at will, evil only)

Inhabit Vessel (manipulate) The cub touches and melds with its bonded vessel, bringing the statue to life. It can cease Inhabiting its Vessel by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While Inhabiting the Vessel, it loses its fly Speed and gains Immunities healing, nonlethal; Resistances physical 3 (except bludgeoning); Speed 20 feet; and the following Strike.

  • Melee jaws +10 (agile), Damage 1d6+5 bludgeoning plus Grab

Spirit Body When not Inhabiting its Vessel, the cub is incorporeal and gains resistance 3 to all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune; double resistance against non-magical).

Stone Lion Cub

Stone lion cubs are curious, playful, and occasionally accidental mischief makers. Despite their still developing abilities, they eagerly hone their skills with make-believe missions. Many hope that they’ll one day become responsible guardians like their parents.

Smaller in stature and ferocity, stone lion cubs sometimes try to guard places of smaller importance, often including facsimiles of the same kinds of structures their parents attend. They’re less than dependable as guardians, as they have the attention span and rambunctious nature of children. Their parents often need to call them to heel, ordering them to stay at the parent’s side as parent and child both stay motionless for the rising day.