Stone Sister

Stone Sister

Creature 6

Perception +11; darkvision

Languages Celestial, Drooni (can't speak)

Skills Athletics +17, Deception +14, Intimidation +14, Stealth +12

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +4


AC 24; Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +11

HP 75, negative healing, reconstitution, stone flesh; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances physical 5 (except


Reconsitution Until Geb’s curse is broken, any stone sister who’s destroyed gradually reforms in her original shape. A stone sister who’s reduced to 0 Hit Points will reform after 24 hours, while one reduced to rubble or dust might take a year or more to reform. Stone sisters who are removed from the Field of Maidens always attempt to return to it when they reconstitute.

Stone Flesh A stone sister is made of a bizarre stone that never stops bleeding from numerous cracks along her skin. She reacts to certain spells in unique ways, as listed below.

  • Spells that alter earth, such as , either deal 3d10 points of damage or heal 3d10 Hit Points, as decided by the caster. If the spell is specifically harmful or beneficial to earth and stone, the GM might decide it can only harm the stone sister, or only heal her.
  • doesn’t revert a stone sister to flesh and blood but instead weakens her. She loses her resistance to physical damage for 1 minute. If she’s reduced to 0 Hit Points during this time, she’s permanently destroyed and can’t reform.

Attack of Opportunity

Speed 25 feet

Melee scimitar +17 (earth, forceful, sweep), Damage 1d6+8 slashing plus 1d6 bludgeoning and curse of stone

Melee fist +17 (agile, earth), Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoning plus curse of stone

Curse of Stone (curse) The creature must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become clumsy 2 (clumsy 3 on a critical failure) and gain a +1 status bonus to AC as their skin hardens to stone. The clumsy condition can be temporarily relieved for 24 hours by casting stone to flesh on the cursed creature but can’t be removed or reduced by any other means short of removing the curse; during this time, the cursed creature also no longer receives the status bonus to AC.

Statue (concentrate) Until the next time she acts, the stone sister appears to be a statue. She has an automatic result of 34 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as a statue. Since the Field of Maidens is filled with thousands of statues just like her, most of which aren’t stone sisters, it’s incredibly difficult to recognize her true nature.

Stone Sister

Stone sisters are the tragic undead remains of an ancient Holoma army, petrified en masse by the necromancer Geb. The armies of Holomog were once a dominant force in the region, repelling several invasions from powerful rivals. However, when they sought to expand into the nation of Geb, their campaign quickly ended. Shortly after crossing Geb’s southern border, the entire army was struck by a terrible curse that turned every warrior into astone statue. Now known as the Field of Maidens, the statues have stood frozen for centuries, weapons in hand. Yet some of these warriors possess a will even stronger than stone. When approached, there’s a chance the spirits of the fallen will animate their statues and attack outsiders with the same deadly coordination they had in life.