Sweet Hag

Sweet Hag

Creature 4

Perception +10; darkvision

Languages Aklo, Common, Fey, Jotun;


+9, +11, +10, +8, +8, +9

Str +5, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4

Coven A sweet hag adds

, , and to their coven’s spells.

AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +12; +1 status to all saves vs. magic

HP 70; Weaknesses


Speed 25 feet

Melee candy cane claw +14 (

, ), Damage 1d10+5 piercing plus soporific touch

Occult Innate Spells DC 20, attack +14; 2nd

(sweets only), (at will), , , ; 1st (at will), (at will), ; Cantrips (2nd) , , , ; Constant (5th)

Betraying Touch The sweet hag touches a creature that doesn’t realize the hag is an enemy. The betrayed creature is affected by soporific strike with a –4 circumstance penalty to their saving throw.

Change Shape  (

, , ) The sweet hag can take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid woman. This doesn’t change their Speed or their attack and damage bonuses with their , but it might change the damage type their Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).

Poisoned Candy (

) The sweet hag casts an innate spell that can normally target 1 creature on a piece of food, typically a sweet treat. The spell is stored in the food. The first creature that eats any of the food is affected by the spell and takes a –4 circumstance penalty to their saving throw against that effect.

Soporific Touch (

, occult) A creature damaged by a sweet hag’s claw must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be 1 for 1 day. If the creature critically fails or fails this save while already enfeebled by soporific strike, it falls unconscious and dreams of eating delicious sweets; this is a mental sleep effect. If not woken up before 1 minute passes, the creature wakes up automatically.

Sweet Hag

Sweet hags use bright colors, pleasant visages, and sugary treats to draw in children and the young at heart. Their favorite prey is impoverished youngsters who are unlikely to be missed—sweet hags offer them food and a veneer of kindness before devouring the hapless child. Sweet hags also enchant their food to magically charm others, often using these bespelled servitors to handle all of their busywork. Though they present a lovely and generous face to the world, they turn vicious when insulted or defied. A sweet hag’s true form is a dribbling mass of flesh with gumdrop eyes, often resembling melting taffy.