Thresholder Disciple

Thresholder Disciple

Creature 14

Human cultist

Perception +26; unseen sight

Languages Aklo, Hallit

Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +28, Intimidation +26 (+28 to Demoralize), Religion +25, Stealth +25, Yog-Sothoth Lore +24

Str +5, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2


, religious symbol of Yog-Sothoth, robes,  (10)

AC 36; Fort +23, Ref +28, Will +25; evasion

HP 255; Resistances mental 10

Evasion When the disciple rolls a success on a Reflex save, they get a critical success instead.

Guarded Movement The disciple gains a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against reactions triggered by their movement.

Outside of Time As 


Speed 40 feet

Melee fist +29 (agile, magical), Damage 2d6+11 bludgeoning plus 3d6 mental

Melee lurker claw +29 (forceful, magical, parry), Damage 2d12+11 slashing plus 3d6 mental

Ranged shuriken +28 (agile, thrown 20 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d4+11 piercing plus 3d6 mental

Flurry of Blows (flourish) Frequency Once per turn; Effect The disciple makes two unarmed Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damages for the purposes of resistances and weaknesses. The disciple’s multiple attack penalty applies normally to these Strikes.

Lurker Stance (stance) The disciple takes the stance of the Lurker at the Threshold, full of menace and danger. The disciple can make lurker claw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d12 slashing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the parry, forceful, and unarmed traits. While in this stance, if the disciple succeeds or critically succeeds at a check to Demoralize a target, the target must succeed at a DC 34 Will saving throw or be stupefied 1 (stupefied 3 on a critical failure) for 1 minute.

Ominous Mien Requirement The disciple is in Lurker Stance; Effect The disciple gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks and their Demoralize attempts don’t take a penalty for not speaking the target’s language and don’t cause the target to become temporarily immune. These effects last until the end of the disciple’s next turn.

Temporal Strikes The disciple’s Strikes force the creature hit to endure a deluge of unfamiliar memories from a combination of past lives and parallel existences, causing an additional 3d6 mental damage with a successful hit.