Wight Commander

Wight Commander

Creature 12

Perception +22 (+26 when rolling initiative); darkvision

Languages Common, Necril; tongues

Skills Athletics +24, Intimidation +25, Warfare Lore +25

Str +6, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +3


, +1  , standard-grade  (Hardness 10, HP 40, BT 20)

AC 32 (34 with shield raised); Fort +24, Ref +19, Will +21

HP 220, negative healing (see Ability Glossary); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious

Attack of Opportunity (see Ability Glossary)

Final Spite (auditory, divine, necromancy) Trigger The wight commander is reduced to 0 Hit Points; Effect The wight commander blows a battered war horn before being destroyed. The unnerving blast summons reinforcements, raising 1d4 corpses in a 200-foot emanation as 


Shield Block (see Ability Glossary)

Speed 25 feet

Melee longsword +27 (magical, versatile P), Damage 2d8+14 slashing plus drain life

Melee claw +26 (agile), Damage 2d8+14 slashing plus drain life

Divine Innate Spells DC 29; Constant (5th) 

Coordinated Strike The wight commander flanks with an ally as long as the target is within both their reaches, even if commander and ally aren’t on opposite sides.

Drain Life (divine, necromancy) As hunter wight, but 12 temporary Hit Points and DC 29.

Spawn Wight Soldier (divine, necromancy) As hunter wight, but the spawn is a different wight of the commander’s level or lower, most often a hunter wight or prowler wight.

Tactical Direction (auditory) Each wight ally in a 30-foot emanation gains the Attack of Opportunity reaction until the end of their next turn.