Eye for Numbers

Feat 1

Prerequisites trained in

You’ve learned to quickly estimate the number of items in a group with relative accuracy at only a glance. You immediately learn the number of visually similar items in a group you can see, rounded to the first digit in the total number. For example, you could look at a case of potion vials and learn that it held about 30 vials, but you wouldn’t know that it was exactly 33 vials, how many different types of potions there were, or how many of which type. Similarly, you could look at a pile of 2,805 coins and know that there were about 3,000 coins in all. You can use this ability only on items that can typically be counted, so you can’t use it on grains of sand or stars in the sky, for example.

If you count a specific number of items possessed by an enemy, such as the number of coins or pieces of equipment they’re carrying, you can use this information the next time you

or against that target within 1 minute. If you do, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your check and can use Society instead of for the check.

You can use this action during an attempt to

that is primarily numerical or mathematical to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check.