Usage worn cloak; Bulk L
This cloak is deep green with a voluminous hood, embroidered with gold trim and symbols significant in elven culture. The cloak allows you to cast the
cantrip as an arcane innate spell. When you adjust the cloak’s clasp (an Interact action), the cloak transforms to match the environment around you and muffles your sounds, granting you a +1 item bonus to Stealth checks.Activate Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You draw the hood up and gain the effects of
, with the spell’s normal duration or until you pull the hood back down, whichever comes first. If you’re also wearing , you can activate this ability twice per day.Type cloak of elvenkind; Level 7; Price 360 gp
Type greater cloak of elvenkind; Level 12; Price 1,750 gp
The cloak grants a +2 item bonus, and the effects of 4th-level invisibility. If you’re also wearing boots of elvenkind, the greater cloak of elvenkind allows you to Sneak in forest environments even when creatures are currently observing you.