Tanglefoot Bag

Tanglefoot Bag

Item 1+

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activate Strike

A tanglefoot bag is filled with sticky substances. When you hit a creature with a tanglefoot bag, that creature takes a status penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute. Many types of tanglefoot bag also grant an item bonus on attack rolls.

On a critical hit, a creature in contact with a solid surface becomes stuck to the surface and immobilized for 1 round, and a creature flying via wings has its wings tangled, causing it to fall safely to the ground and become unable to Fly again for 1 round. Tanglefoot bags are not effective when used on a creature that is in water.

The target can end any effects by Escaping or spending a total of 3 Interact actions to carefully remove the sticky substances. These Interact actions don’t have to be consecutive, and other creatures can provide the actions as well.

Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gp

The target takes a –10-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 17.

Type moderate; Level 3; Price 10 gp

You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls, the target takes a –15-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 19.

Type greater; Level 11; Price 250 gp

You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls, the target takes a –15-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 28.

Type major; Level 17; Price 2,500 gp

You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls, the target takes a –20-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 37.