Boots of Elvenkind, Greater

Boots of Elvenkind, Greater

Item 11

Usage worn shoes; Bulk L

These tall, pointed boots are made from soft, supple black or green leather and are decorated with trim and buckles of gold. When worn, the boots allow you to move more nimbly, granting you a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

Activate envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect Until the end of your turn, you ignore difficult terrain when moving on the ground. If you’re wearing a

, you also gain a +5-foot status bonus to your land Speed until the end of your turn.

Type greater boots of elvenkind; Level 11; Price 1,250 gp

The boots grant a +2 bonus. If you’re also wearing a cloak of elvenkind, greater boots of elvenkind constantly grant the effects of

(DC 30) in forest environments.